You can now see the future... - You can enter responses for questions scheduled in future Progress Updates.
Workflow Status in your Progress Updates - You can now see in the Progress updates page:
⛔️ Left - the initials of the members that are yet to action the Progress Update
✅ Right - the initials of the members that have already actioned the Progress Update
Business Unit Engagement Charts - On the Progress Updates page, you can now see an additional tab "Engagement". In this tab, you will see some charts to visualise the Engagement of your Business Units in responding to their Progress Updates
Bulk updates in design - On the Strategy page, you can now select multiple records to update. For example:
- you can select multiple Deliverables and assign them all to the same Business Unit
- you can select multiple Deliverables and update the frequency for all the selected deliverables
SSO - New Single Sign On B2B to login without having to remember a password.