Percentages (%) are used by some organisations as KPIs. These are used to track things like:

  • % percentage of First Nations people employed across our workforce
  • % percentage of procurement spend with First Nations owned businesses

The thing about percentages is that they are the product of 2 actual numbers ('this divided by that'), so setting it up right to gather that evidence is important. weavr will then do the percentage calculations on your behalf in the reporting. 

Let's take a walk-through how it works.

Let's look at an example - % Percentage of Procurement spend with First Nations owned businesses

To calculate this, you need the below two values, collected during the same period

  1. the $ value that you spent with First Nations owned businesses during the last quarter (e.g. $187k)
  2. the $ value of your overall procurement spend during the last quarter (e.g. $10.66m) 

( $187k  / $10.66m  ) * 100 = 1.75%

So how can you configure the above two % in weavr?

To calculate this in weavr, you can enter 2 separate Questions that will asked to your nominated Business Unit, to gather those values at the frequency that you define.

  1. Find the Deliverable that relates to the % that you are aiming to calculate
  2. Create 2 separate Questions to ask the 2 relevant values that we will need
  3. Define the Frequency that you would like to ask these values (you must define the same period for the 2 values to avoid misalignment)
  4. Assign Business Unit to your Deliverable.

Your Business Unit will be responding to those Questions in their Progress Updates, just like any other Question.

How can you visualise the responses and % in your Reports?

When your Business Units start entering responses in their Progress updates, these will be reflected as below in the Our Journey report.

The below is an extract from Our Journey, which illustrates how the Procurement % data gathered from Progress Update responses is presented.

This chart is part of the Our Journey report when you load it. It shows the breakdown of your overall spend, based on responses entered.

Let's break this down:

OMG weavr is so smart!!

Let's dive a bit deeper... you can go to your Procurement tab, in the Our Journey report (look for the tabs on the right hand of the report that 'dance' when you hover over them).

You will be redirected to more details about your activities relating to Procurement.

When you click on Value Indigenous procurement category, you'll see the responses entered in each Progress Update, in our example over 4 periods. 

The accumulated value over all periods = $42k + $45k + $35k +$65k = $187k

The most recent value entered = $65k entered in the most recent period, in Mar-24

Extra tip - Scroll down to see the table in which you can see the breakdown of the Progress Updates in which the above values were entered.

When you click on Value of overall procurement category, you'll see the responses entered in each Progress Update, in our example over 4 periods.

The accumulated value over all periods = $2.85m + $2.76m + $2.1m +$2.95m = $10.66m

It all matches!! So you can start with your summarised view, and start drilling through as detailed or as summarised as you need to :)