The Strategies page is where you configure the automation of your strategies. 

In this page, you define:

  • What to ask
  • When to ask
  • Who to ask


To start off, let's create a Strategy

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated


Below is an overview of the fields you can define for your Strategy:

  • Strategy Name:  This field is used throughout Weavr to report or navigate your Strategy. This can be customised so it is meaningful to your Organisation. 
  • Strategy Start Date and End Date: These determine the duration of your Strategy.
  • Status: When creating a Strategy, the system defaults to Not started


Now, let's add Actions to your Strategy


Actions are broad outcomes that the organisation is expected to achieve as part of the Strategy.  

Below is an overview of the fields you can define for your Actions:

  • Order: This is an ordering numbering that you can give to the Action so when you are running reports you can easily identify it.
  • Name:  This field is used throughout weavr to report or navigate your Action. This can be customised so it is meaningful to your Organisation. 
  • Description: This field is to provide more details regarding your Action.
  • Action Area: Action Areas represent the pillars that organisations can focus on in implementing their Reconciliation work to support the national reconciliation movement. 

Now, lets add Deliverables for each of your Actions


Below is an overview of the fields you can define for your Deliverables

  • Order: Ordering numbering that you can give to the Deliverable so when you are running reports you can easily identify it.
  • Name:  Used throughout weavr to report or navigate your Deliverable. This can be customised so it is meaningful to your Organisation. 
  • Deliverable Status: These Status apply throughout the different record in the solution (eg. Actions, Deliverables, Commitments, Tasks). 
  • Description: Include the full Deliverable description provided in your formal Strategy document.
  • Deliverable Expected end date: Select a date for which this Deliverable is expected to be completed. 
  • Business Unit: Select the business unit to which this Deliverable is allocated.


So far you have:

  1. created a Strategy
  2. you added the Actions under your Strategy, and 
  3. you added Deliverables under your Actions


If you have a Strategy document, the above will come from your Strategy document

The next step is to configure how you can measure the progress made in achieving your Deliverables. In weavr we do this by create data gathering Questions for your Deliverables.

We define here:

  • ➡️What to ask (Question)
  • ➡️When to ask (Question periods)
  • ➡️Who to ask (Business Units)


Below is an overview of the fields you can define for your Questions


Question: This is the Question that will be asked to your Business Units in Progress Updates, at the defined frequency.

Question Periods: This is when you are going to ask the above Question in a Progress Update

Frequency: Questions can be asked once, or can be asked a number of times during your Strategy period.

In the below example, we will be asking this question Quarterly, Starting in June'23, until June'25

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Response Type: Responses can be either of the below. This will define the type of data that your Business Units will be entering in their responses for you. 

For example, if you are asking about:

  • "What is the status of ..." the respondent will be selecting a ➡️Status for the available status options

  • "What is the Value spent on...", the respondent will be entering a ➡️Currency response

  • "What is the Number of First Nations employees in our organisation", the respondent will be entering a ➡️ Number response

  • "What is the Number of members that participated in Cultural Capability session, broken down by: Management, Staff, RWG", the respondent will be entering a ➡️ Multiple Number response


Now, that you've configured the automation of your Strategy, let's see what this will look like for the Business Unit members that will be entering the responses to the Questions configured by > completing their Progress Updates, throughout the Strategy period.